Business Financing Solutions
We offer creative financing options for small and large business. Whether your needs are short-term (ex: meeting payroll, paying invoices, purchasing inventory, timely advertising) or long-term (ex: opening additional locations, renovations), one or more of our solutions might just be exactly what you need to take your business to the next level.
Check Acceptance and Protection
If you don't accept checks because you feel they are not safe or difficult to handle, you could be losing out on valuable sales. We have a large array of check services available to assist making accepting check processing safe, simple, and fast.
Credit Card Processing
Our credit card processing solutions are suitable for all types of businesses including medical, dental, retail, e-commerce, restaurant, business-to-business, home based, service, and more looking to accept credit cards and debit cards.
EBT- Government Electronic Benefits Transactions
As the EBT program continues to grow, the market becomes more and more valuable to merchants who qualify to accept food stamps (Food & Grocery stores, select retailers).
Gift and Loyalty Cards
Gift and loyalty cards boost cash flow, consumer spending and repeat visits!
Gift cards generate sales at the time of purchase and when redeemed. With most consumers spending over their initial card balance, you can enjoy the additional profit and increased sales.
Loyalty cards drive repeat business by creating incentives for shoppers. Use gift and loyalty cards to promote new products, new locations, special events and sales.
Merchant Cash Advance
A merchant cash advance is a financial service that enables a business to receive cash in advance of estimated future credit card sales. Merchant cash advances are typically used for business purposes such as purchasing inventory, upgrading equipment, renovations, advertising, or just meeting a cash flow shortfall.
Business Marketplace
Steep discounts on business essential products & services have been negotiated on products and services all businesses need to help run their business efficiently.
Every company that offers a product or service in the Merchant Marketplace has been through our thorough vetting processing ensuring quality. Many of these are big name brands you'll already know.