Bankcard Service Terms/Regulatory Fees
Regulatory Fees
Updated: MARCH 2017
Fees listed below apply to new merchants boarded after the date above. Fees may vary for merchants boarded on an earlier date.
Visa Fees
Credit Assessments: .14%
The Assessment applies to gross credit Visa Transaction Volume.
Debit Assessments: .13%
The Assessment applies to gross debit Visa Transaction Volume.
Acquirer Processing Fee (APF) Credit: $.0195
The Acquirer Processing Fee applies to all U.S. based credit card authorizations acquired in the U.S., regardless of where the cardholder is located. If your business is located in the U.S, the APF will apply to all Visa authorizations.
Acquirer Processing Fee (APF) Debit: $.0155
Same rules apply as above, but if the transaction involves a debit card, the fee is lowered slightly.
Settlement Network Access Fee: Included in Assessments Fee
Applies to all U.S. based settlement transactions. If your business is located in the US, this fee will apply to all settled transactions.
Transaction Integrity Fee (TIF): $.10
On transactions involving Visa Debit and Prepaid cards that fail to meet CPS requirements.
Fixed Acquirer Network Fee (FANF): Variable - see FANF page for details.
A monthly fee that has many variables including how you process, how many locations you have, and what your individual SIC Code may be.
Zero Floor Limit Fee: $.10
Applies to settlement transactions submitted without a proper authorization.
Misuse of Authorization Fee: $.045
Applies to Visa authorizations that are not followed by a matching clearing transaction.
International Service Assessment Fee: 1.30%
Applies to U.S. acquired transactions paid for with a card issued outside of the U.S.
International Acquirer Fee: .95%
Applies under the same rules as above.
Mastercard Fees
Assessments: .13%
Applies to gross MasterCard transaction volume.
Assessments (Transactions greater than $1,000): .14%
Applies to consumer and business credit volume on transaction of $1,000 or higher. Please note this assessment will never apply signature debit transactions.
Network Access and Brand Usage Fee (NABU): $.0195
Applies to all U.S. based authorization transactions regardless of whether the transaction is settled.
Acquirer License Fee (ALF): Included in Assessments Fee assessed on gross MasterCard processing volume.
Processing Integrity Fee: $.055
Applies in the following instances:
- • Card-present: Transactions are not settled, cleared, or reversed within 24 hours of the original authorization transaction/request.
- • Card-not-present: Transactions are not settled, cleared, or reversed within 72 hours of the original authorization transaction/request.
- • No reversal: An authorization transaction cannot be matched to a corresponding settlement record after a period of 120 days.
- • Exempt merchants: Travel and entertainment merchants classified as MCC 3351-3441, 3501-3999, 4411, 7011 and 7512 are exempt from the Processing Integrity Fee.
Merchant Location Fee: $1.75/month
Billed monthly at $1.75 per month.
Cross Border Assessment Fee (Domestic): 1.10%
Applies to U.S. acquired transactions paid for with a card issued outside of the U.S. and settled in US Dollars.
Cross Border Assessment Fee (Foreign): 1.50%
Applies to international transactions settled by U.S based merchants in a currency other than US Dollars.
Acquirer Program Support Fee: 1.35%
Applies under the same guidelines listed above for Cross Border (Domestic).
Digital Enablement Fee: .01%
Assessed on MasterCard card-not-present sales volume involving signature debit, consumer credit and commercial credit transactions.
Discover Fees
Assessments: .14%
Applies to gross Discover card transaction volume.
Network Authorization Fee: $0.0025 (Included in Assessments Fee)
Applies to all Discover network authorizations.
Network Access Fee: $.0195
Applies to all U.S. based authorization transactions.
International Processing Fee: .90%
Applies to U.S. acquired transactions paid for with a card issued outside of the U.S.
International Service Fee: 1.25%
Applies under the same circumstances as above.
Amex Opt Blue Fees
Assessments: .30%
Applies to gross American Express card volume.
CNP Surcharge: .50%
Applies to gross card-not-present volume, such as keyed and e-commerce transactions. The CNP surcharge is charged in addition to the Assessments, which means the total assessments on CNP volume is .80%.
International Assessment: .75%
Applies to gross sales volume involving a card issued outside of the United States.